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Trans-Siberian Pit Stop - International Design Competition
This is our innovative design for an international competition of a touristic center in Moscow. Our design is generated by an extrusion of the Trans-Siberian route line over the Basil’s Cathedral towers, which is a prominent architectural building in the area. The roof of the structure flows and undulates to create a canopy with high points for visibility. It is 3D-printed with bio-resin, and easily transportable for installation on remote sites.
We call our project the “Route Shell”, a derivation of the iconic train map that has marked the history of the region. The Route Shell marks the southern Russian border, it wiggles through cities, canyons, mountains, plains, rivers, connecting people and cultures.

The concrete 3D printing technology is already here, and the plastic resin technology is developing swiftly. A house in Amsterdam called the “3D print canal house” is under construction by innovative builders. What great opportunity for CDS NORD developers to print the first resin architecture in the world. It would be a historic moment and great honor for the Trans-Siberian community. Our project fits into the 8m x 8m footprint, meets all programmatic requirements, and rises with the location of the Basil’s towers. All four ribbons of the Route Line are 3D printed in a factory and assembled on site on a concrete pad. It can be detached and transported. A large digital screen on the side displays information and promotion for tourists. It also connects to other pit stops through real-time video screens.
Design principal
Selim Vural, AIA
Project team
Hazal Turgutlu
Pierre Michel Arzul
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